About Me

Hey there! I'm Vincent, a Front-End Developer currently based in Toronto, Ontario. I'm extremely passionate about building functional websites with clean and efficient code. I thrive in both collaborative and individual environments and can adapt to any situation presented to me.

I've been trained and developed into a strong collaborator and problem solver in my prior career life as a Chartered Professional Accountant. In the environment of financial statement auditing of publicly listed entities, I've cultivated excellent time management, critical thinking, and logical reasoning skills in the face of diverse challenges, all of which have well-equipped me for my current journey into the world of development.

I'm always excited to challenge myself and am open to opportunities to learn something new and improve on my skills. I'm looking forward to working with an organization that I can grow together with.


Check out some of the tools I've been awesome at using!

  • React Logo


  • JavaScript Logo


  • jQuery Logo


  • Firebase Logo


  • Git Logo


  • GitHub Logo


  • Webpack Logo


  • SASS Logo


  • CSS 3 Logo


  • HTML 5 Logo


  • Visual Studio Code Logo

    VS Code

  • Terminal Logo

    Command Line


I'm always eager to learn more and further my knowledge. Here's a few things I'm interested in and getting started on.

  • Redux Logo


  • Python Logo


  • Node.js Logo

    Node JS

  • PostgreSQL Logo


  • Ruby Logo


  • Rails Logo


Screenshot of 'Golblog' Project


A featherweight blogging platform

Golblog is a featherweight blogging platform built with React and hooked up to firebase for storage and authentication.

Users are able to create new blogs, edit its content, publish or unpublish specific blogs, view the blogs, and delete blogs.

Login with your Google account, visit your home page, discover other user's blogs, and follow them for updates and future blogs.

Screenshot of 'Shutter' Project


PSD conversion to responsive HTML site using floats

Shutter is a conversion project to convert a design file into a responsive website using HTML and CSS. For a blast to the past, only floats, an older website layout technique, were used throughout, which represented a challenge and a test of knowledge of styles application.

Screenshot of 'Guess That Song!' project

Guess That Song!

JavaScript and jQuery guessing game with song lyrics

Guess That Song! is a game where you guess the song name and artist given a snippet of lyrics. Depending on your difficulty mode, you have a limited amount of time in each game to correctly guess as many songs as you can.

Flex the lyrical genius in you and stay on top of the leaderboard!
